[series] you're not {insert brand}

Welcome to Day 3 of the Branding Unmasked Series.
If you missed the previous days you can find Day 1 here and Day 2 here.

I've been waiting almost two weeks to share this message and I can't believe my little heart has waited this long.

Recently, I sent a survey out to a select segment of my list.

One of the questions I asked was, "What type of brand do you want to create?"

What I received as a response blew me away.

In place of an authentic response for the type of brand, people wanted to create, think brand voice, brand vibe, overall feeling, aesthetic, etc...

I was met with names.

Names of influencers, industry leaders, and more.

A question that was meant to be met with authenticity, was met with a brand that has already been created!

My friend, being inspired is one thing, but not being able to clearly articulate what it is you want your brand to be and instead copy and paste the name of a brand already created is not what we're going for here.

As an authentic brand builder, you're already losing yourself in the process.

Now, had the question been, "What brands inspire you and why?" I get it. It's important to be inspired.

But, instead, it became clear to me that so many people are wanting to replicate brands that have already been created and established.

Now, let me ask you, in continuation of yesterday's email - how do you plan to stand out?!

This isn't like a product or an offering where there can have multiple people offering the same, almost identical thing.

This is about the heart of your business - your brand.

It's meant to be uniquely yours.

This is why consumers are demanding more transparency, authenticity, and original content from brands and creators.

And while, I know it can feel impossible at times to come up with new ideas, it's not about saying something that's never been said before, it's more about how and why you say it than what you say.

How I talk about brand storytelling isn't going to be the same as someone else.

How I talk about marketing isn't going to be the same as someone else.

Why? Because our stories are different and if we've both built authentic brands then the stories that shape our brands will impact how we share things.

But, the second you strive to recreate or mirror someone else's brand in terms of voice, style, personality, and more, the second you'll lose yourself.

Now more than ever it's important that we find who we are and share that with the world as the base of our brand.

Because the industry is changing!

The question is are you able to keep up with the changes because of the work you've done at the branding level?

Something to consider, and take a moment to ask yourself, "What type of brand do you want to create?"

Believing in you as you do the work!

P.S. Tomorrow is the final day of the series and I'll be in your inbox at 7 pm CST to share more about "shoulds" in business.

Hit reply if this email spoke to you, challenged you, or inspired you in any way! I can't wait to hear from you.

Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight

As a Brand Strategist, I teach entrepreneurs how to monetize their personal brand through the power of storytelling, and sustainable marketing so they can authentically create recurring clients and raving fans giving them the freedom to create a life of abundant experiences on their own terms. Subscribe to the newsletter for weekly branding and sustainable marketing strategies + business inspo!