[series] business shoulds

Today is the final email of the Branding Unmasked series and I've loved sending these the last few days.

What a way to kick off 2024, I love all of your responses and still want to hear from you. If you haven't hit reply, let me know your takeaways from this series.

The idea of building community isn’t just about numbers for me, it’s about the actual person on the other end.

And it’s important to me that I share what I’m seeing in the industry.

That you have someone who is on your team as you follow your dreams and build your business.

That there’s someone in your corner being transparent, real, and reminding you that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to business.

And today’s email touches on one of the most important topics in the online space.

The idea of “shoulds!”

Reader when I started my business I wrote a single line for my website.

It read, “I've always known I was destined for so much more than a 9 to 5 and just living my life according to the "should's" and you are too.”

Eight years later, that sentence has taken on a different meaning.

Because you don’t need me to remind you that life is about more than working your butt into the ground, sitting in a job that isn’t rewarding, or being in relationships that aren’t rewording - there’s enough out there taking care of that topic for me.

What you need is now dealing with the “shoulds” in your business.

As more and more entrepreneurs enter the online space we are seeing a very clear this or that approach to running a business.

It sounds a little like this...

TikTok is the ONLY way to grow in 2024.

Email marketing is DEAD, do this instead.

Evergreen courses are the ONLY way to scale a business to [x] revenue.

You SHOULD never charge less than $10k for a coaching package if you want to be successful.

I know you’ve seen them.

Clogging your newsfeed with more and more rules on how YOU should be running your business.

It’s easy in the moment, when things aren’t working or going your way, to believe them too.

But, there is no single way to build a successful business, and at the end of the day, it's all about YOU!

It’s about YOUR audience.

It’s about YOUR communication style.

It's about YOUR mission and purpose.

It's about YOUR commitments.

It's about YOUR available time.

It's about YOUR story.

Successful businesses have been built in thousands of different ways.

I personally know people who have done it via just 1:1 services, people who have posted once on social media, people who only post on social media, people who swear by live webinars, people who swear by evergreen webinars, people who have never offered 1:1, and so much more.

Running a business in 2024 requires you to find the most authentic way for you!

This is what I love to teach my clients, to give them the power to determine what feels best for them.

Because teaching business this way allows true ebb and flow and authenticity to shine through.

It means strategies freaking work because you're not trying to fit yourself into a tiny f*cking box (sorry, sometimes I get passionate about this topic).

So what does this mean for you?

If you’re constantly concerned that you’re doing it wrong.

That what worked for her isn’t working for you - you will not be successful.


Because your head isn’t in it. You're stuck in the horrible entrepreneur loop of comparison; you’re being so freaking hard on yourself to do it HER way that you’re losing your own.

My best piece of advice for you this year?

The more you are in alignment with our desires, your community, your story, your voice, and focused on feeling dang good about the work you are doing YOUR BUSINESS WILL BENEFIT GREATLY.

I’ve had those moments too, where I've tried something that someone told me would work and it didn’t.

Because their community isn’t my community.

Because they aren’t ME.

And I’m the most powerful business and marketing tool I possess.

As more and more brands step into the online space, this is more important than it’s ever been.

The best entrepreneurs and mentors try new things, put some stuff on the line, and take note of what’s working and what’s not.

That’s exactly how I approach every single client I work with - giving them options, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, and encouraging them to take strategies and make them their own.

So the next time you feel like you’re doing it wrong because what worked for them didn’t work for you take it as a sign to experiment and do something different.

Who knows, Reader you might be leading the way on a new strategy that you never would have discovered if you were listening to the shoulds.

P.S. Thanks for joining me for this series. If you missed the previous emails you can catch them here, here, and here.

P.P.S. MY NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHES ON SUNDAY! I'm so excited to share it with you. Have a great weekend!

Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight

As a Brand Strategist, I teach entrepreneurs how to monetize their personal brand through the power of storytelling, and sustainable marketing so they can authentically create recurring clients and raving fans giving them the freedom to create a life of abundant experiences on their own terms. Subscribe to the newsletter for weekly branding and sustainable marketing strategies + business inspo!